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Mitigating the threat of COVID-19 


This is how we are working to protect the health of our clients and our team during the threat of COVID-19. 


Team members are encouraged not to report into work if they are experiencing any signs of illness.


Clients will be contacted two days prior to the shoot to remind them that if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms they must postpone their appointment: fever/feverish, cough, sore throat, headache,runny nose, a new cough or worsening chronic cough, new onset of fatigue, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell; in children, purple markings on the fingers and toes? 


Clients will also be asking the following questions and if they answer YES to any of the following below, then their session will be postponed as they must stay home and self-isolate for 14 days. 


  • Have you had close contact within the last 14 days with a confirmed case of COVID-19?

  • Have you been diagnosed with COVID-19?

  • Have you returned from travel outside of New Brunswick within the last 14 days?

  • Have you been told by public health that you may have been exposed to COVID-19?


Hand sanitizer will be made available for all clients and team members when they enter the premises and inside of the shooting room.


Team members and clients have the option of wearing masks 


Hair and makeup stylists will wear masks, sanitize all tool between uses, and follow all public health guide lines mandated for their industry.


Only one client appointment in the reception area at a time. 


Due to the significance space in the ordering room consultations can still be done in person or over Zoom if preferred.


No children in the studio at this time unless they are being photographed  


Maximum of two adults in ordering room or if it’s graduating client, two adults and the graduate.


No-touch posing has been implemented to adhere to physical distancing and proper health and safety guidelines.


Do not bring guests to your appointments.


Consultations, portrait sessions, ordering appointments and pickups will all be conducted by appointment only. No walk-ins at this time.


Increased sanitation procedures will be done between clients.


Studio wardrobe will be washed after every use.


Props and photographic tools will be sanitized after each use.


Orders will be placed in person in the studio or via Zoom appointment


Frequent hand washing for team members is mandatory and governed.


Hand washing station is available for our clients.


This protocol has been put into place to keep our team and clients as safe and healthy as possible. Thank you for respecting our studio space and our team members.


We have, and will continue to monitor closely, regular updates regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) from the world health organization (WHO). As updates are made available we will be updating our policies regularly to ensure the safety of our team members and continued safety of our clients. For regular updates on our policies please refer to this page. 

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